Not voting, really! I’m sorry

Something’s not right in Nepali political scenario. Parties with ideologies and principles that are poles apart are contesting together in the coming general election. They could have made coalition after the results but the politicians are so power-hungry that they are only thinking about poll results keeping aside their political agenda. This sounds so unhealthy, this looks so disgusting. Now we need to stop talking about any changes! Whoever you elect from your constituency, it will not matter at all. Even if you strike your head against the wall, you cannot not probably stop Mr. Deuba, or Mr. Dahal, or even Mr. Oli from becoming next prime minster of Nepal. I still believe in parliamentary multiparty democracy adopted by the country but they are making mockery of this system. Hence, I decided not to go for voting this time. Congratulations in advance Mr. Deuba, or Mr. Dahal, or Mr. Oli for becoming prime minter of Nepal.